Dear Pastor/Youth Director:

I would like to invite you and your teenagers to be our guests at our annual youth rally on Saturday, February 23, 2019.  Our theme for this year is “Faithful: Living for Christ in a Secular World.”  For quite a while now, I have been burdened about the fact that many Christians, especially teens, find it easy to live and act one way at church and then lead totally different lives at school or at work. The theme is designed to encourage teenagers to follow Christ and take a stand for him regardless of their circumstances. There will be two guest preachers this year: Pastor Park Sutton (Calvary Baptist Temple, Fort Collins, CO) and Pastor Joe Decker, Jr. (South Campbell Avenue Baptist Church, Springfield, MO).

We will start at 10:30 AM and will be done by 3:00 PM.   There will be no cost to attend, and lunch (hot dog bar) will be provided here at the church. There will be three preaching sessions, as well as games, prizes, and music.

We would also respectfully request that your group follow a basic dress code in order to have an atmosphere conducive to honoring the Lord and focusing on the preaching, avoiding a casual environment that could be centered around entertainment.  Ladies: please wear skirts or dresses that come below the knee.  Please no form fitting or low cut blouses or shirts.  Gentlemen: We would prefer that you wear slacks with a collared shirt. Thank you for your consideration!

I hope you can come and am looking forward to seeing you on the 23rd!  If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 405-605-9041 or call the church at 417-833-1529.  To register for the 2019 Youth Rally, please RSVP by e-mail to [email protected] no later than Monday, February 18th.  This allows us time to purchase the right amount of food for the meal.  Please include the estimated size of your group including adults, the name of the youth director/pastor/sponsor for the group and a contact phone number.  Thank you and God bless!

In Christ,
Daniel Ligon
Youth Director